The Year of You

(Please enjoy these e-cards that have little or nothing to do with the content but made me legitimately laugh out loud.)


As we could've expected, I had another idea for a post that didn't fall in the "Nashville" category. I often laugh (sometimes groan, I'm only human after all) about the amount of times I have to reheat my cup of coffee in the morning. I don't know what it is, but I can't drink it all at once at a temperature suitable to my coffee temp. needs. WHY why why I ask myself, am I unable to finish a simple cup of coffee in one sitting?

My mind is all over the place. I have a running to do list, that is truly never completed but always being added to, and I rarely stop for a moment to just relax or drink my cup of coffee at once. For those of you that know me, I thrive on a busy schedule. In college, if someone looked at my planner they might very well have a heart attack at the sheer craziness of it - millions of colors and writing all over the page with lists and to do's etc etc. I loved when it was like that though, because busier = better in my opinion. But with all that chaos, some of the important things (cough cough - YOU) fall to the wayside and don't take priority on the to-do list.


This year, I challenge you (and me!) to take care of yourself. I know we hear this a lot - eat more greens, workout all the time, take your vitamins, change the world. My challenge to you though is to do the little things, make the little changes. You don't have to work out every day for two hours, but try for a solid 30 minutes. Even if you can't get to a gym, or it's too cold outside, do a few squats in the shower (with caution people, I've gone down before and it's not reccomended) or dance like a lunatic to I Love It  to get your blood flowing.

Eating a salad every day is HARD, I don't care what people say. Lettuce is still lettuce no matter what you do to it (and drenching it in Ranch is kind of a contradiction, and maybe even frowned upon.. I still do it.) But incorporating veggies into your everyday meals is do-able. Sweet potatoes used to be dreadful to me, but now I cook them with some garlic salt, seasoning, and red pepper flakes. Flavorful, filling, and full of goods for your body. One pan chicken and veggies roasted in the oven is a sure fire way to jump start your week of meal prep, and I like to season both the chicken breasts and veggies with different (salt free!) seasonings so I don't feel like I'm eating the same thing every single day.


I want to be better about taking care of my body - with how I exercise it, what I nourish it with, and the appearance of it. Skin care can be intimidating, and stupidly expensive. You don't have to spend 50 bucks on lotion, especially if you're like me and you forget to put it on altogether. My favorite lotion is Olay Quench with Shimmer  which you can easily find at Target, and not only does it protect your skin in these cold winter months, but it adds a little sparkle so you're feeling extra feminine. A two for one! Something as simple as lotion every night is a great way to cheers the year of you.

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Stress - six letters that make everyone tense their shoulders as soon as they read it. This pesky little thing can completely throw off the care and keeping of you - why? Everyone experiences stress in different ways, at various points in time. My little and grand little stress differently, and more often than I do, and I always noticed how aggressively the stress would overtake their health when we were in school. I tried my very best as a mom (sorority talk!) to help them through it, but stress has a gnarly way of brushing off help and focusing on the negativity. The important thing though is to find a way to release it, ease it, and rid of it altogether (at least until the next wave hits.) In college, I liked to go to the gym. Run around with some crazy tunes, talk to familiar faces, and just release from the tension and the stress closing in. Sometimes I like to go shopping - my bank account might frown upon this idea, but retail therapy is a real thing.

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In the year of you, I challenge you to find a release, an outlet, a remedy for your stress in a healthy way. Belting out If It Makes You Happy in your car at the top of your lungs might also do the trick.. speaking from experience on that one.

  • Don't forget to laugh - I am a firm believer laughing cures most temporary ailments.
  • Celebrate the small victories - remembering everything on your grocery list? FIST PUMP.
  • Treat yourself - you're HUMAN, and IMHO (in my humble opinion) you deserve it.
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TLDR (too long, didn't read): This year, make taking care of yourself a priority. With that in mind, don't be so hard on yourself. Progress takes time..

cheers y'all, Jules